Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Think I'm Regressing...

It's a funny thing; Since i have become pregnant, in many ways I have regressed. You wouldn't think that dumping more responsibilty on a person would make them act childish. In my case, it did.
Now, I dont mean to say that i have gotten more immature. I have not shirked my responsibilities and I am still completely capable of making adult decisions. The regression I am referring to happens in other areas.
Here are some examples:

1- I have started calling my mom "mommy" again. I don't just mean the word. I mean the attitude that comes with it. More like "maahh-meeey" slow and drawn out in a dependent and affectionate way. She said it was cute :) I like being called cute, so if you ever feel like complimenting me, feel free!!

2- My food choices have also altered somewhat. I have started cutting my sandwiches into smaller pieces again. I have gotten Happy Meals multiple times. Oatmeal with raisins has become a regular breakfast. Oh, and I play with my food..

3- I take naps almost every day. Whenever I have a chance, I lay on the couch or slip into bed and count sheep. (Not literally. Who actually does this? If you do, you have some serious problems getting to sleep and I think doctors might help more than the sheep.)

4- I now love using flotation devices in the pool. For some reason, since I became pregnant I cant swim. I just sink. I could swim just fine before then!!

5- I play with toys. An ornament can entertain me for much longer than is reasonable...

6- I express my feelings with tears first, and words later.

7- I shop in the baby section at any store I go to.

I don't see this regression as a bad thing. I think that it is a good reminder, no matter how slight, of how children see the world and what matters to them. It's good to think from their perspective and approach them in a way they can relate to. I think everyone needs a little innocence brought back into their lives. I think it would affect us all in a good way.


  1. Haaaaayleyyyyyyyyyyy!

    You've been nominated for an award! Check it out. :) BLOG POST IDEA!!! Now you have no excuse for not writing.
