Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while! I have been very overwhelmed.

Here is a little update on me:)

I am 21 weeks pregnant today. I had my ultrasound a little over a week

ago and found out that I am having a baby boy!! :) I have already

decided on a name: Alexander Michael. His middle name comes from

his godfather and my best friend Mike :) I am thinking about when I

should plan my baby shower for and I appreciate suggestions. The due

date is June 13th. Also, a week ago was my birthday :)

There is something that has remained a theme these last few weeks, and

that is what I am going to talk about today....Hormones.

I was aware that I have been easily aggravated since i've been pregnant,

but I guess it was worse than I even realized. My family informed me

recently that they have all been cowering in fear. The worst part about

hormonal outbursts, is that no one sees them coming. Not even me. One

minute we can all be laughing at a joke my sister made, and the next I

am sobbing for no apparent reason.

Things that have been bugging me that normally wouldn't:

-People sitting next to me. Normally I am not one to think about

personal space, but lately I can't get enough of it.

-People being happy. Sometimes its just annoying. It happens more with

certain people..

-Cold water. Normally I like my water either freezing cold or really hot.

Now its just hot.

-People chewing. It's like my hearing has intensified like 10 times! I can

hear every crunch and every munch.. It drives me bonkers.

-Everybody else who drives. It seems like everyone is just in my way

and trying to cut me off. It's as if I can't drive without people dodging in

front of me every 2 seconds.

-People. It's not really something I can pinpoint, but some people have

just been bothering me. I have to force myself not to be rude..

All my life, I have had a tendency to be more vengeful than is typically

warranted. You poke me too hard, I spend three weeks planning the most

severe revenge I can think of. Possibly including a surprise attack, a

bucket of lemon juice, and lots of paper cuts. I never imagined that

anything could make my reactions
MORE extreme.. Apparently, folks, it IS possible

The thing is, its not just revenge. I have become more ballsy in general. I

used to let certain people walk all over me. Now, I have the guts to stand

up for myself. Before I even realize that i am responding, I am telling

them to get their lumpy asses of the couch and wash their own damn

dishes unless they want boogers in their dinner. ..Or something like that.

I have decided that I need a name for when I get in these modes.

Lets look at the characteristics:

-It sneaks up on you.

-You don't know where it came from.

-you can't stop it.

-It can wipe out an entire room before anyone has time to respond.

-It always wins.

Pregnant ninja mode:

So watch what you say, or i'll Pregnant Ninja Kick you.